EarthCast’s Advanced Technologies

The innovation powering the next generation of environmental intelligence

Global Environmental Weather Intelligence System (GEWIS)

The backbone of all our commercial services is the EarthCast™-developed Global Environmental Weather Intelligence System. GEWIS is an operationalized, end to end environmental intelligence system that delivers high resolution, near real-time global monitoring, nowcasts, and predictions.  


Environmental Intelligence Operational Systems

Our production service, Environmental Intelligence Operational System (EIOS), collects input data from a variety of sources including state-of-the-art global satellite and weather radar data, lightning detection systems, surface and aircraft observations, aircraft eddy dissipation rate turbulence measurements and more. Empowered with cutting edge high-performance computing (HPC) technologies, EIOS is the premier commercial solution for high resolution, near real-time global monitoring, nowcasts, and predictions.


Weather & Environmental
Data as a Service

EarthCast specializes in the full breadth of Environmental Intelligence Services and provides the end to end solutions for Weather and Environmental Data as a Service (WxDaaS/EnvDaaS) which includes high-performance computing, advanced system architecture, environmental modeling, Big Data, AI and machine learning, weather data archiving, data handling and visualization of new and evolving environmental solutions across all industries impacted by weather and environmental conditions.


Ultra-Rapid Update Hazard Prediction Systems

EarthCast greatly enhances environmental monitoring and predictions, especially at ultra-rapid update, sub-kilometer-scale resolutions and for short-term weather forecasting and makes its most significant strides in wildfire and convective storm prediction. Ultra-Rapid Update (URU) modeling system also revealed, for the first time, positive results for the near-continuous prediction of wildfire location, smoke plums, and convective storms


Automated Hazard Alerting System

At EarthCast, we revolutionize alerting, monitoring and predicting while improving the current state of environmental products quality and resolution. We specialize in modernizing capabilities in the hazard alerting space for industry specific opportunities tailoring alerts and customizing threshold parameters for hazard alert services. By leveraging the advances in our core technologies, we improve the science of alerting with near real-time data, higher resolutions, faster speeds and rapid update modeling.  


Space and Terrestrial Environmental Prediction Systems

There recently has been expanded interest in the advanced development of aerospace vehicles for access to space, reconnaissance, global strike and reach, and commercial transportation. EarthCast models the complete atmospheric environment in order to improve flight planning designs and testing for these new vehicles and uses global satellites to monitor and provide mission situational awareness for high altitude hazards.


Environmental Situational Awareness Systems

EarthCast specializes in data integrations for tactical applications and common operating picture (COP) mission systems, to include projects in Department of Defense. We enable environmental situational awareness for hypersonics, tactical assault kit (TAK) integrations, intel sensor integrations, command and control, combat simulation and training, post action analysis, and classified integrations.

Business Areas

Empower your ability to make mission critical tactical decisions with environmental intelligence

EarthCast provides new and evolving products and services for multiple industries impacted by environmental conditions.


Department of Defense




Emergency Management




Environmental Change